Beware the Chocolate

With Easter just passed I learned how different my children are. Elizabeth, the eldest, always enjoys the hunt Easter morning. Filling her basket with brightly coloured eggs she grabs them sometimes remembering to leave one or the little triage of treats for her siblings. It’s all about how much she can fill her basket. She’s at the age when she knows she’s supposed to ask before diving into any of her treats but reaching that age that she’s learned how to sneak one without mom knowing. (Or so she thinks.) At least she puts those bright foil covers in the garbage to hide the evidence.

Our middle child, Audrey, carefully seeks out eggs in her favourite colours, (shiny purple ones this year), counting how many she grabbed in a neat winding line. She always asks before touching the chocolate treats.

Jacob, being four years old, was the most excited for the Easter Bunny this year. Scoring an egg with treats was beyond belief and he happily grabbed anything his little hands could reach filling multiple baskets. What I did not take into account, was a basket being left out of the supervision of an adult.

After pancakes, morning cartoons and discussion whether it was a pajama day or not, the girls went to work with their new art pads and pencil crayons and Jacob quietly disappeared up to his room.

“Honey, what are you doing?”

“Getting dressed.”

Strange since we had decried today a pajama day but I didn’t think anything of it.

A little while later it was quiet in the house, too quiet for a mom of three or more kids. Putting the last dish away, I remembered that quiet sometimes means trouble so I went hunting.

The girls had snuck onto the WiiU, frolicking with Luigi and Mario their art pads flung to the side. Their Dad lay sheepishly by on the couch as I frowned shaking my head.

“Come on’s Sunday!”

Sunday in our house is electronics day so I let it go.

“Where’s Jacob?” I asked.

Mr. L shrugged and went back to napping. (6:30 am on a Sunday is a bit early and he did make us all breakfast.)

“Jacob? Where are you?” I hollered across the house.

“In my room.”


“I”m playing.” He was playing with the door closed.

Fearful of what I might find, I went upstairs and slowly opened the door.

Jacob yelled, “NO!” Slamming the door closed.

Opening it back up I scolded, “Jacob, you know the door is supposed to be open.”

There was the evidence, all over the floor. The blue and yellow straw basket tipped over with many, many brightly coloured foil wrappers decorating his rug. I gasped in horror wondering how this was going to be managed the rest of the day, “Jacob!That’s too much chocolate!”

With his hazel eyes glinting and mouth covered in chocolate he tipped the remaining eggs on the ground and shrugged, “They were in my room.”

I couldn’t disagree, they were.



The Purge – Stage Two

Eight pm.

The kids are tucked into bed. Mostly. Stories are read. They are showered. Hugs and kisses all around. It is that time of night where parents around the world sneak in their guilty pleasures. Television series they really do not want to miss, that last glass of wine, texting, instagramming, face booking or tweeting. Video games or gossip magazines. A really good book. Chocolate. Tea. Sex.

Whatever your guilty pleasure, most of us tread away from darkened bedrooms hopeful their darling ones stay in their cozy beds surrounded by a hundred Beanie Boos. Our shoulders loosen and our bodies relax. Sure there is “other” work to be done. Lunches to pack. Agendas to sign. Laundry to fold. However,  all of that other “work” can be intermixed between our guilty pleasure. After all, you can pack lunches during commercial breaks.

But (yes, there is always a “but”), all of this changes when life takes you in another direction. It could be a fitness goal, work to catchup on or for this mom of three, the renovation.

THE PURGE was only the first step. I came back from a glorious retreat from my everyday life inspired and motivated to patiently slog to the completion of my writing goal, to the reality that we had a renovation starting in a week. I knew it was coming. After all, I planned the dates. But somehow in the excitement of my own personal goals, I underestimated my time to get ready for the upcoming renovation.

Yet, I marched on ignoring Mr. L’s pleas,

“Why don’t we postpone? It can wait until September.”

I laughed at his lack of confidence. “Wait? Are you crazy? We need a proper office now! The money is sitting there.  We’ve committed to the dates. We can do it!”

Truthfully, I was putting on a bit of an act. Internally I knew it was going to be a struggle to move over fifty percent of our storage from the area in the unfinished part of the basement to the rec room as well as empty a spare bedroom/weight lifting area in less than a week. Throw in Mr. L being away for three days. Regular crazy work life not to mention passover at our house.  All of this is to be done so we can to bravely tear down a wall between two smaller rooms and make a dream office space.

Being a stubborn mom, I bravely faced THE PURGE for an hour each night since I returned from my retreat. Mr. L was away on Friday night, but I kept at it. Lugging boxes, rearranging storage space in the other half of our basement, taking out paintings not yet hung on the walls upstairs away from the inevitable drywall dust that will soon cover the area. Saturday was a write off. After a day full of kid activities, dinner and general mayhem, I fell asleep watching a horrible movie on some channel I cannot remember. Sunday too was a waste, being out of town all day at a family birthday party with no leftover energy to head down to the windowless basement.

But Monday! Surely Monday would be salvation day. Except Monday was Passover and I spent the majority of the day cleaning before the in-laws showed up. However, with two out of three kids out of the house at school, I took Jacob downstairs with me, showed him one of the wonderful toys I found that has not been played with in two years, and went to work, finishing up one room except for the things I simply could not lift. Yeah!

As I looked around the room, I realized Tuesday would be the final day. Two hours left. With Mr. L’s help, we can get the rest done in two hours. We have to. The contractor is arriving on Wednesday at 8 am meaning another night where guilty pleasures will have to wait.

With THE PURGE nearly complete, the rooms almost emptied and the excitement of having a proper office rising, my attention can go back to my guilty pleasures. Can’t it?


Easter is this weekend. With one child in senior kindergarten, handing out Easter treats to your friends is still “a nice thing to do,” and I am a nice Mom, or try to be. So my nights will be filled with filling easter bags, secretly stashing filled-plastic eggs for our own easter egg hunt and planning an Easter Sunday dinner for our immediate family at our house.

But I can do all of that while watching Sex and the City reruns? Right?

Happy Spring! The season of rain (or snow), chocolate treats (or matzah), spring cleaning (or purging) and renovations.